Oct 31, 2020

Hi! I am Mrs C and welcome to writeforjesus.org!

Not too long ago, I remember hearing His still, small voice telling me to keep writing about Him, about His goodness and proclaiming His work in all my situation. By His grace, I started writing using #WriteForJesus in my personal Facebook account, and afterwards launching Write For Jesus page in Facebook.

Much to my surprise, despite my personal limitations and even self-persecution over the quality of my writings, God has been using #WriteForJesus to encourage and build up His people in their personal situations.

I remember receiving heartfelt messages of how God spoke to these people every time I post something that God reveals in my heart through my personal experiences. Those messages testifying how God has moved and spoke to them inspired me to dream and pray that one day #WriteForJesus will have its own website too.

And on that fateful day of November 15, 2019, on a busy Friday morning, in the midst of Manila traffic jam, I heard that magnificent still, small voice once again finally telling me to do it right where we are, right in the middle of the traffic jam --- right in the middle of my anxious heart and somehow broken spirit.

Using my mobile phone, I began setting up the website and started writing the first post titled, "He will fill your mouth with laughter and shouts of joy." There was no marketing promotion, no ribbon cutting, no one knowing at that time that #WriteForJesus is about to be birthed in the vast world of cyberspace and internet. In a span of 30 minutes, writeforjesus.org was set up. All praises to Him...

Now that I am writing about this speck of history that was once a dream and a prayer, I can't help but be in awe of how God prompted me to do this at a time of my wilderness season, with my spirit crushed and broken.

I remember hearing God inside of me, speaking in my heart and telling me that so I will never forget that this website was created not by might, not by power, but by His Spirit. And that in the same manner, out of wilderness seasons, out of broken spirits, out of sufferings He will raise powerful messages of hope, inspiration and testimonies after testimonies, that will exalt Him and proclaim His undying love for all of us.

God's invitation for you and I...

As I pray for this website, God inspired me to share this with you so that you and I can rally together in magnifying who Jesus is in our lives and that through it His message will be preached.

I pray that you be encourage to use the gift He has freely given us, and the testings He turned to testimonies, and the messes He turned to powerful messages.

Together, let us #WriteforJesus! I can't wait to hear from you and fill this space He gave us with powerful messages.

You may reach me through the Contact Us menu of this website or email me at writeforjesusorg@gmail.com and together let us witness for ourselves how God will use this website for His Glory, and Honor and Power. To the ends of the earth.

Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. ~ Psalms 105:1 (NLT).

Love and God's blessings,

Mrs C 

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