May 24, 2022

by Renee Joy


Spring is exceptionally beautiful to me. Creatures arouse from slumber, birds fill the air with song, and trees bud with new life. It’s a matchless time of year as creation awakens once more.

One spring morning, I inspected my flower box. To my delight, my bulbs were sprouting new growth. Leaves that covered them through winter had provided a warm, protective mulch. Digging through the layers, I noticed the leaves closest to the earth were translucent; their outer shells had decayed leaving only a skeleton behind. 

Holding one up, I marveled at its beauty. Its death had served a noble purpose. Through the rain and harsh weather, this leaf gradually disrobed. Each biodegradable layer washed into the soil, releasing vital nutrients. Specimens from various trees had all surrendered to the cold black soil. Their sacrificial release meant my bulbs would receive nature’s perfect provision. 

Staring at their nakedness, I thought of my own spiritual growth.  There were transparent people who had brought life-giving energy to me. Honesty about their struggles had nourished me through difficulty and helped me grow. Sadly, it’s not common to receive such nutrients. Fearing exposure, we often wear masks to disguise our shortcomings and hide our secrets. What a miserable and superficial way to live. If only the shackles of pride and insecurity were removed so authenticity could shine through. 

The Bible tells us that our Father seeks those who are humble and with a contrite spirit. Personally, I believe transparency is rooted in humility and lives inside the sun. In the sanctity of this sacred place, extreme heat melts the dross, leaving behind what is pure and true. It is here where it stands in the presence of its Creator, open and bare before a Holy God. It is here where it is truly one with Him and where real freedom is experienced. 

I have found no greater peace than when I stand bare before my Heavenly Father, opening my heart to be searched by His love. When I am willing to take ownership of what doesn’t line up with His Word, I find freedom. Gradually, as I confess and repent, the refuse melts away, leaving more of Christ in whose image I am made. This open, unashamed fellowship with God is my heart’s truest desire. 

I want my Father to show me the areas that need transformation. I am praying that He will open my eyes to see with His eyes, feel with His heart and love with His grace. I want to see the world as He does. It is not always easy, however, to receive what His Light reveals. But when I align myself with the Cross, the greatest physical evidence of His love, then I see the truth. There is nothing good in me except Jesus Christ and Him alone. But that is not always easy to admit. 

It’s humbling to stand bare before a Holy God. I convince myself I’ve come so far. Yet, as He shines His light, I see areas where I have looked to myself instead of Jesus. And when the pain of seeing my true self becomes too much, He blankets me in His love. By His grace I stand hand in hand with Him in the Holy of Holies, a righteous daughter of the King; not due to anything I could ever do on my own. It is only because of what Jesus, the Holy Lamb of God, did for me at Calvary. His blood cleanses me and my confession frees me to live as one with Him. 

Isn’t this what Jesus modeled? His absolute surrender eliminated any barriers to receiving life-giving power from above. His transparency allowed life to flow freely through Him and impact the world around Him. In the same way, ours brings His presence within us to life and naturally overflows to others around us. 

This is the pathway to freedom because transparency brings new life. And as a follower of Christ, I choose as Jesus said in Luke 9:23 to deny myself, take up my cross daily and follow Jesus, Only Jesus.  


When I am surrendered to all God would reveal,

I am no longer bound by thoughts, nor bound by what I feel.

For in this blessed union, which is offered through His Son,

I am free to simply be, for my heart and His are one.

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