Dec 25, 2021

A Testimony by Ptra. Dailyne Macasaet


.. I drop my sword and cry for just a while...

‘Cause deep inside this armor the warrior is a child...

~ Warrior is a Child, Twila Paris/Gary Valenciano

This song reminds me of David, a shepherd who fought a giant named Goliath at a very young age. Young as he was and with no armor that can fit him, he was fully convinced that if God was able to deliver him from all the beasts and lions who attacked his flock, the same God will surely deliver him from this giant. And indeed the Bible tell us that by the amazing grace of God, David killed Goliath.

In this song also, I remember the King David, a mighty warrior who killed thousands of enemies, invaded numerous cities, and defeated many kings, crying to God day and night, asking the Lord to save him from all his enemies.

The same David of the Bible – the young shepherd who defeated a giant turned to a mighty warrior and king who conquered cities - still cries to God as a young boy in need of a rescue.

And in this story, I found myself.

I was only 12 years old when I started leading our Youth Ministry. No experience. No armor could fit in. I was too young but I knew in my heart that God wants to use me for His greater glory.

At a very young age, God called me to an arena where the giants of this generation despise the potential of youth and the power of God that is at work on us. Among these are the giants of sexual impurity, family issues, social media addiction, identity crises, and a lot more. Who would have thought that I could be used to disciple young people, lead ministries, preach the gospel, and serve His church?

Just as how David fought, I, too, is the warrior and God is my armor.

But then again, the warrior is a child.

Literally, I was very young back then. There were countless nights I cried to God and asked Him, “Isn’t it too much for a teenager like me to carry the burden of the church and to love and serve the broken souls?” In those raw and painful moments, God comforted me by saying, “If it is too heavy, it is not for you to carry.”.

My anointing has not dismissed all the hormonal, emotional, relational and realistic changes I had to go through growing up. Instead, it sustained me. It enabled me to work beyond my years. It consecrated me. Truly, I had been set apart for God’s use and purpose.

As I mature, the giants I face also changed. The crushing gets more real and the calling becomes more challenging. I was 23 when ordained as a Youth Pastor. Now what can a 23-year-old pastor do? Whatever God wants done.

I had to surrender everything I wanted for myself to give way for what God wants for my life. And there are days that my surrendered plans and dreams would still haunt me but I am convinced that if God has called me to fight the giants of this generation, then He himself will surely fight for my personal battles in my behalf. And even up to this point, I constantly run to God, crying. Because still, the warrior is a child.

I pray that this would be an encouragement to every warrior reading this. We minister to people even when we are broken. We still speak healing even when hurt and wounded. We preach about forgiveness even when betrayed. We share love even in times we feel lacking of it.

We might be slaying giants out in the field but we have to come home running to God always like a child. Drop all the swords. Lay down the armor. Cry. Because still, the warrior is a child.

David, no matter how successful he became as a king, managed to keep a child-like dependence on God. No wonder, he was called the man after God’s own heart. And if God was able to do it in him, He can surely do it in you.

Arise, mighty warrior and child of God.

Dear God, Thank You for Cancelling My Plans
Dear Jesus, Your Love Amazes Me 

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