Jun 23, 2022

by Renee Joy


Have you ever felt like God was leading you to do something, but it seemed so crazy you were reluctant to obey?

If so, then you understand how my friend Terry and I felt. We’d been studying about the children of Israel and how they crossed over the Jordan River. The details of this amazing story can be found in the first four chapters of the book of Joshua. We marveled at the faith of Joshua and the priests – and their obedience to do exactly as God told them.

For several weeks, Terry and I had separately felt like God was telling us to make our own “crossing” at the river we often frequented.

At first we didn’t share the private conversations we’d been having with God. Perhaps it was the fear of how ridiculous it might sound. Of course, this was not the craziest thing we’d ever done together. We’d experienced some pretty amazing things together over our seven years of friendship.

I don’t remember which one of us got the nerve to speak up first, but we ultimately shared what we thought God was leading us to do. We had no clue how it would turn out; we were just planning to show up and obey. Simple childlike faith. Like so many times before.

Strangely, however, as the day grew closer for our Saturday morning crossing, I began sensing that God was changing His directive. Instead of crossing the river as the children of Israel did, I felt He was saying to go to the middle and stand. Incidentally, right in the middle of the river near the spot we often sat was a large protruding rock.

This rock had always intrigued me and was a familiar stopping point for geese and ducks who were flying over or swimming by. And now it was our target. The place I believed we were meant to go.

Just like so many times before, the Holy Spirit confirmed His same desire to Terry and so we knew what we needed to do. I also knew one other thing God was instructing. We were to carry His word to the rock with us. So, I found a small bible and we headed out early – just after sunrise.

Arriving at the river, we immediately saw the rock.

And while the distance to get there wasn’t too far, we needed a plan. Stopping on the banks, we began scoping out our crossing point. The water was fast moving and deeper in some places, so we were naturally drawn first to the shallow path.

It seemed to be the right choice, and even had other rocks we might be able to walk on to make the journey easier. However, what we soon discovered was that the rocks were slimy and slippery with mold. The water also was moving faster over the smaller rocks, and there was nothing to hold onto if we slipped. That made this path harder to navigate with a greater risk of falling. So, we decided to look for another way.

As we surveyed the landscape, we saw that there was a patch of land to the right of us that extended out from the riverbank. Nearby were other larger rocks that seemed to pave the way. The only problem was the water was deeper and we couldn’t see what lay beneath. We couldn’t know where our feet were being planted or whether the water would carry us under because of its depth.

Looking intently at this new path and then at each other, we determined this was the way. We simply needed to do as the priests had and take that first step of faith. Not wanting to get the bible wet, we plotted a plan to work as a team. So, Terry stepped in first and slowly made her way to the first rock. Following the exact same path she’d taken, I too arrived safely at the rock. Handing her the bible, I then stepped out to navigate the next pathway that would lead us to the second target rock. I couldn’t see the bottom of the riverbed, so I made sure to go slow – carefully planting each foot on steady ground before moving.

Step by step we did this. Taking turns to lead out and carry the bible over the current. Eventually we made it to our destination. Satisfied with our accomplishment, we sat down together and looked back at the riverbank from where we’d come. Things certainly looked different from this vantage point. Funny how our perspectives change when we are able to see from a new angle.

We sat there for a while just taking in the breeze and the sun and the sound of the water. We were oblivious to the people who were beginning to show up at the park. They might have been wondering what two crazy girls were doing in the middle of the river. But if so, their judgments didn’t matter to us. We were so caught up in the joy of basking in God’s presence, we didn’t care who was around us. Sitting there, I felt God leading me to open the bible and read Joshua 1 aloud.

So, I did.

Then God instructed me to leave the bible on the rock for someone else to find. So, we did; believing that someone handpicked by God was going to see it and make their own pathway out to retrieve it.

As we were leaving, the wind blew, causing the pages of the bible to land on Isaiah 46. I looked down and noticed verse eleven which said,

Lead Me to the Rock

“What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do.”

What an encouraging way to end this encounter.

On our way back, we decided to do as the children of Israel had done and find a “memorial stone” to commemorate this day.

I grabbed a stone from the slimy rock to remind me that the best way is not always the easiest. To find God’s perfect way, I simply need to take a step of faith into unchartered (sometimes dark) waters and trust that He’ll hold me up. Terry also decided to get a rock.

She almost went under trying to grab a stone that was small and black. Then, right on time, a bigger rock floated up under her foot and was easily retrieved.

Her lesson: Wait for God’s choice. He’ll bring it every time.” 

As we walked back to my house, clothes dripping wet and hearts still aglow, a song from David kept going through my head.

“Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.”

When we arrived home, I looked up this verse. It comes from Psalm 61:1-2: 1 which says:

"Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer.

From the ends of the earth I call to You,

I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I."


The amplified version ends by saying, “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I [a rock that is too high to reach without Your help].

Yes, Lord. Lead me. Lead me to You, for You are the Rock and I am helpless without You.

I proclaim as Moses did in Deuteronomy 32:1-4:

1 Listen, you heavens, and I will speak; hear, you earth, the words of my mouth.

2 Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.

3 I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God!

4 He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He.


I am so grateful for our childlike faith to be obedient to what we believed God was saying. It was a fun adventure, and we grew closer to Him and each other through the experience.

Oh, and for all you curious people who want to know if the bible was retrieved. The answer is yes. I went back later in the day to the park to find it gone. I don’t know who took it. But God does. I simply obey Him and trust that His intended outcome will take place.

After all, He tells us in Isaiah 55:11:

“So will My word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the purpose for which I sent it.”

Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. Lead me Lord Jesus. Lead me.



Dear Lord Jesus,

You are perfect and just and our Chief Cornerstone. We love You and praise You for being our firm foundation on which to stand! Thank You for allowing us to join You in Your plans as You send Your Word forth. Thank You for Your faithfulness to love and keep us. Cause us to walk in Your truth and the path You have set for us. For You alone are The Way, The Truth and The Life. Without You we are nothing. In You we are everything You purposed for us to be. Perfect. Holy. Righteous and Blameless all because of Your sacrifice for us. Thank You for giving us a new heart and a new spirit and for placing Your Holy Spirit within us. We surrender our all to You and look expectantly this day for all You will do in and through us – for Your glory and our good. In the mighty, strong, and matchless name of Jesus I pray.


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Comments (1)

  1. Lead Me to the Rock

    Mrs C Writes:
    Jun 23, 2022 at 07:08 AM

    God bless you!

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