Oct 31, 2020

Sometimes it’s easier to quit when everything seems to fail, and when nothing good seems to come out of us. We wake up in the morning and before we even set our feet on the floor, we find ourselves bombarded with discouragements in our head saying, "just quit it - quit that dream, quit that relationship, quit that job, quit that calling, quit that ministry, JUST QUIT!"

During these times, it's easier to just prioritize our own comfort or wallow in self-pity and defeat. But in those raw and painful moments, when we are tempted to click the "QUIT box", God would breakthrough in our soul and remind us that though quitting is an easy option, it is NOT the only choice we can make.

I remember one night when wrestling with God in my thoughts about my own struggles, He shifted the meditation of my heart from defeat to a fresh new desire to win by reminding me of the many people around me who also has the option to quit but didn't.

That's why today, I would like to dedicate this post to the many people in the world who didn't quit and who are still out there, fighting the good fight of faith...

Thank you for not quitting to fight your battles even if giving up is the easiest route - for persevering even in the face of injustice. Your will and determination to keep fighting inspired me to pick up my sword and win my own battles.

Thank you for not quitting to be kind even if the world knows no kindness anymore.Your gentleness even in the face of harsh words and betrayal cut deep into my soul. It made me believe that I can also choose to be kind even when it's difficult. And that I have the power to control and stop negativity with a kind word and a gentle spirit.

Thank you for not quitting to speak about forgiveness despite the betrayal and hurts you endured and still feeling. It encouraged me to forgive my own Judases, and forgive myself as well. I learned that forgiveness is a power that this world will keep stealing from me because it sets every bondage free, just as how Jesus has set me free when He forgave me.

Thank you for not quitting to love even when love seems impossible to win anymore. You raise a revolution against all the forces of evil every time you choose to love unconditionally, loving like Jesus did. And that inspired me to keep believing and looking at Jesus each time I struggle to love purely and sincerely.

Thank you for not quitting on your calling no matter how difficult the crushing gets - for pursuing the career or the ministry or the platform that God has called you to despite the rejection, betrayal, and the negative voices surrounding you. Because of that, many people like me are here benefiting from your courageous acts of fight and faith. I am here, thriving, because you did the fighting.

Thank you for not quitting the call to spread the Word about Jesus - for leaving the comforts of your home and family just to be out there in the field to wage war against the unseen forces of the devil so that me and my generation, and the generations after us would come to know and receive the saving grace of Jesus.

And to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, there is no word of gratitude that will suffice. But thank you for being with us and for us in all our fights. Your own pain, betrayal, persecution, discouragements and disappointments of this world remind us that you have already won the battle — and all we have to do is to claim our own victory and fight the good fight of faith. And until we meet face to face, and tell us, “well done my good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:21)

Statement of Faith
Dear God, Thank You for Cancelling My Plans

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