Dec 25, 2021

Dear You,

I want to let you know today that regardless of what state you feel you are in achieving that dream, they are still valid.

Maybe, God is saying "No" to you now based on your circumstances but it doesn't mean it's been fully declined. Sometimes, His temporary NO is His attempt to make way for even better circumstances, to put things in order, and maybe, so you will never forget that it was Him who made all things possible for you to get to that destination you so want to achieve, to that dream you so want to fulfil.

I know it's difficult when you know in your heart that it was God in the first place who made you dream that dream yet as you pursue it, things seem to fall apart. Maybe you receive it through a vision He showed you, or a dream He has carefully carved out in your heart that you've nurtured for a long time since childhood. It's difficult when you start stepping out in faith but all signs are throwing you out of the paved road. Or when just the signs of rejection start to peek in.

A few months ago, I learned that a dream I've been praying for did not materialize. And I am very sure in my spirit that it's God-given. In fact, it's for that reason that I pursued it. But then I received a NO. And the very moment I received it, I felt like my heart slowly sank and sadness filled my heart.

In the midst of reflecting on what happened, my thoughts transitioned to, "what???"", to a quiet "why, God?", then to "okay God, I surrender to Your will".

Then one afternoon, as I was looking at the leaves silently falling on the dry ground, I heard God whispered in my spirit, "your dreams are still valid." My heart suddenly smiled till I heard no more. But something resonated in my being after the sound of that voice left my thoughts.

Somehow, in the stillness that followed after that voice, God impressed in my heart that how I envisioned my dream to work out may have not happen the way I want it but it doesn't mean it's no longer valid. That His ways are better than my ways and so are His plans!

I realized in my quiet reflections that I was not rejected at all. God is not saying NO to that dream He wanted me to have in the first place. He is basically making me know, plain and simple, that He is rejecting MY ways of getting there. That He was the one who rejected that opportunity, that person, that method I was believing will work for me. It was all because of the plan He already laid out for me when He gave me that dream!

I am writing this to you because maybe you are in the exact place I'm in. Whether you received a NO, or you felt stuck with that dream, or overwhelmed by that dream, or simply rejected and discouraged by the people who do not believe you, THAT DREAM IS STILL VALID. And no one, not even yourself, can speak death to where God has already laid out and planted His promises.

There is certainty in my heart that truly as He promised, we will see doors that no man can shut and will run over favors after favors because His words are true and can be trusted. What He said, He will do. He is faithful. He is Jesus. And for me, that's more than enough to keep me going, to keep me believing, to keep me hoping. Period.

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