Dec 25, 2021

Dear Jesus, Your love amazes me. 

Like a Shepherd, You have lead me all these years... That even if I do not know a bit about You, You have pulled me into Your tight embrace. You've cared for me, You've watched over me, and You've guided me - - - loving me more than I can ever know. 

Your love is like a light in the dessert, a luxurious offering of love in the midst of my wilderness. Your embrace makes me feel like lying in green pastures, to an oasis of love, joy and peace... 

Your love leads me beside still waters. You quiet every painful memories and anxious thoughts I have in me. You calm my anger like You calm a raging storm --- silent, reassuring, promising better days will come along. 

Your love restores my soul. Every bit that the enemy has stolen, You say You will repay double. You revive my soul with your majestic voice saying "You know it All". 

Your love leads me into every right path that leads back to You. And though sin has its way of damaging me, its consequences lead me back to Your tight embrace --- transforming, disciplining, and loving me just the same. And making me bring honor back to Your Name. 

Your love makes me love my enemies. You humble me in their presence with Your Holy Spirit, making Your glory shine in my midst. You uphold me and uplift me right before their eyes, making them see that I have You right by my side. 

And even though I walk through the darkest valley, the comfort of Your love takes away my fear. Never fearing but trusting in Your victorious Name. 

I have not seen You when You died for me in flesh, with Your body heavily beaten, and blood smearing every bit of Your holy being. Yet, the story of Your sacrifice that reached my generation remains to be a fresh story of a love revolution. 

For like a fresh dew in the morning, it still refreshes, strengthens, and uplifts every lost and weary soul. 

The Warrior is a Child
Fear or Faith: How should Christians respond to COVID-19?

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