Oct 31, 2020

Proverbs 19:21 Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the purpose of the LORD will prevail.

God, today I look at the chaos surrounding the world. And I realized it would have been more difficult and heartbreaking if my plans went on as I planned.

I now realized what You meant when you lovingly reminded me that “Your ways are higher than my ways, and Your plans higher than my plans”. I’m so sorry for all those times I doubted You and felt so heartbroken because You crashed my plans.

I felt like You closed a massive door on me when I saw everything I planned vanish into thin air; When I saw my dreams spirited away, and the opportunity I’ve been waiting for suddenly gone, with no promises of return.

I would have wanted my plans to keep going, Yet You forced me to let it go.

But now I realized that You cancelled all those to save me from a greater heartbreak and anxiety I can’t even imagine if I can endure nor bear. And You bear all the pain and sting of my grief in all those times I’m shutting myself away from You. Because I felt like You left me. I FELT YOU DENIED AND STRIPPED ME AWAY FROM THE ANSWERS TO MY PRAYERS.

God, I’m sorry. I forgot that You always know better than I do. That my sight can only go as far as I can see, Yet your vision spans from east to west, and north to south. That my plans only focuses on what I believe is good, but Your plans are always for the greater good.

I’m sorry I failed to remember that You love me more than I love myself. I realized how can a Good Father allow me to go on with my failing plans when You know a plague is about to hit us…

God, today I look at the chaos surrounding me, and I realized I am better off where You have fastened and secured me. So I’m gonna trust Your work, Your will, and Your time, knowing that Your ways are higher than mine.

For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts. ~ Isaiah 55:9

Dear You, Thank You for Not Quitting
The Warrior is a Child

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