Oct 20, 2022

By Mrs C Writes
In the book of Jeremiah 29, we read of the story when some of the Israelites were taken captive to the land of Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. The background of this story is that God punished the Israelites because of their disobedience. He allowed them to be exiled in Babylon while their country lie in ruins.
 Yet while in exile, God still encouraged the Israelites through His prophet Jeremiah who sent a letter to the exiled jews telling them to "to still thrive, to still flourish so that they will increase and not diminish". It is in this letter where God promised this famous bible verse to them:
"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)"
Like the Israelites, maybe you are also at a point in your life when you feel exiled. You don't have any choice where you are right now but to endure and to wait on God. As I read and study this Word again, I feel like God is telling us the same thing --- to STILL thrive and flourish despite the discouraging situation we are in, that we may INCREASE AND NOT DIMINISH. God is telling us that our "exile situation" is just temporary. It's not gonna last. It's just part of the plan, but not the end of the story. He said, "He knows His plans and that plan is to prosper, that plan is to give hope and a future."
And though it may not seem like it, maybe being "exiled at the moment" is what we need  for us to grow and mature with the character that God needs for us grow into so that when He lead us back to His promised land - to our next destination, our next assignments, we are ready to take on the responsibility needed and slay the giants that come our way. 
Truth be told, I have been feeling exiled at the moment. And today, I realized that I needed to be exiled. I needed this moment to realize that my attitude and character need serious trimming before He gets me into my new assignment, and this is the only way I CAN INCREASE IN THIS SITUATION.
It's surprising how we can transition from thinking we are good enough persons once we see ourselves in the lens of God's eyes - only then that we see an even lesser person of ourselves.
And it takes being an "exile" to get to that, to get to the bottom of who you are and what serious work that needs to be done in you at the moment.
Are you feeling "exiled"? I pray that this short reflection encourage and speak life to you as it did to mine. 
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