Jun 27, 2022

by Mrs C Writes
Today, here at WriteforJesus, it is an honor and privilege to host this life changing testimony of a dear brother, whose transformed life will surely bless our generation. His life is a living proof that in Jesus there is hope, there is freedom, there is a new life. 
From Darkness to Light
In his Facebook post, Evian Malik Akers openly and bravely testified about the struggles he went through by defining the past 25 years of his life as a nightmare, a total darkness. He was living a really dark life that at 18, he was already abusing alcohol, cocaine and nicotine, and was also addicted to sexual immorality and pornography. 
How A Young Man Overcame His Dark Past: A Testimony of Evian Malik AkersHow A Young Man Overcame His Dark Past: A Testimony of Evian Malik Akers
Evian's life in his "dark past". 
Unfortunately, Evian's struggle began while growing up in abusive foster homes where he was mentally, emotionally, physically (beaten and starved), and sexually abused by men and women, including family members. It was not until his grandmother stepped in and finally took him under her wing that his life kind of changed at least in the outset.
However, all the trauma from abused he went through caught up with him leading to a really difficult life that almost made him commit suicide.
But two months ago, something happened that changed his life forever. There is no better way to share his testimony than to read it the way he wrote it from the heart so here it goes... 
Two months ago, I was living in a nightmare (darkness) for 25 years.
I was abusing alcohol, cocaine and nicotine for the last 7 years.
I was addicted to sexual immorality and pornography for 21 years.
Lying was my first language and confusion and depression and overthinking was my DNA.
I was in abusive foster homes growing up before my grandma adopted me.
I was abused mentally and emotionally, physically (beaten and starved), and sexually abused by men and women and even family members. Because I was so young being introduce to sexual immorality by men and women and abused in all ways you can think of, I was broken from the jumpstart which just became a regular normal cycle of trauma and anxiety and depression and confusion and suicidal thoughts and attempts.
Because of what I went through so young growing up, I was fighting against myself not knowing why those awful things happened to me? I was confused with what real love was? I was depressed that I felt lonely inside because I was jumping home to home and couch to couch not knowing what “Home” felt like, and I was overthinking growing up about my sexuality due to being introduced to sexual immorality at a very young age. And the constant thought I had was whether I was mistake as a child and "should I be here?"
When my grandma adopted me, I thought the nightmare was going to end but it just gotten worst as I gotten older due to being a victim at a young age and being so innocent but forced to learn how cruel and evil this world truly is.
I became addicted to pornography and seeking love in all the wrong places by trying to fill a void that I thought I could on my own with what society / culture tried teaching me how to fill. But it just gotten worst for me when my grandma passed in 2017.
I never felt so alone in my entire life and my biggest fear was dying alone with no
family or love one so I tried rushing / forcing what I thought love was.
After my grandma passed, fear became my lifestyle. So I turned to sports and traveling to run away from my traumatic past and turned to alcohol. I also started sleeping around with multiple women and got addicted to nicotine and cocaine and I became so numbed that I could finish a whole bottle and continue to drink throughout the night and would have sex with women and not feel any sort of emotion or excitement. And because of that lifestyle, I contracted HSV-2 (genital herpes). That’s when depression, loneliness and suicidal thoughts / attempts and fear had full control of my life.
Then in 2021, I was introduced to a church which gave me some kind of hope thinking my life was going to change for the better so I joined that church thinking it was right for me but turned out it was just another nightmare.
I was being taught and told all the wrong things thinking they were right because I never went to church growing up so I was literally blindsided and it made me feel ashamed of myself and judged. And being a part of that church made me judge others as well and it just added on to my cycle of trauma, depression, loneliness and fear and so I went back to my old way of living and didn’t care to join a church again or get close with God.
But two months ago, I saw the truth…
I was handed a Bible and started to read it for myself and started to study it more  with a dear friend of mine from high school who grew up a Christian. The deeper I got into the Bible, the more clear it was becoming to me of my true DNA.
I started to read more and more and then saw a sermon series called “Relationship Goals” by Mike Todd, and that’s when I saw the truth on who I am! Where I come from! And why I’m still here till this day! JESUS CHRIST!!!
I am a Child of God! A son of a King. A Man of God! And no one can tell me different! No culture or society can tell me how to love or feel or act or think or be like or how to be a man or what my role is in life because the Bible already told me the truth! I have a true high calling and purpose that I was designed for since the beginning of my existence.
I gave my life to Jesus Christ 100% and never looked back! I am no mistake or charity case! I am saint who is unashamed, who is loved unconditionally and ready to move mountains and shake the earth with my testimony and share the gospel!  Thank you Jesus for blessing me with Chris Harsh Hilltop Church family, Brandon Beaman, and Sean Feucht !
After 25 years I can finally say, I’M FREE!

Indeed, praise God, for all the people that God used and caused together to help Evian discover the love of Christ for him, and the unique purpose and calling that God has in his life. 
Today, Evian spends his time serving the Lord together with his Pastors, friends, and mentors who've been helping him live and discover more of his new identity in Christ --- freely, unashamed, and boldly sharing the gospel to anyone and everyone he meets. 
How A Young Man Overcame His Dark Past: A Testimony of Evian Malik Akers
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. ~ Galatians 2:20 
In one of his recent posts, Evian shared this photo with a caption:
How A Young Man Overcame His Dark Past: A Testimony of Evian Malik Akers
You may think this is just a regular selfie but this is the first selfie of being a free man of depression, stress, anger, fear, confusion. The old me is gone! I am a Man of God who lives for Jesus Christ. I may lose friends or family members because of my new desire and lifestyle but that’s okay because what I’m gaining is far too great and fulfilling and everlasting. 
We praise God and celebrate for your life Evian. May there be many more like you whose life will be forever changed by our Lord Jesus, and who will boldly, and courageously boast of His goodness and what He has done for us. That others may come to know him as well. And that as we die in flesh, many more shall live. 
Lead Me to the Rock
Rest for the Weary

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