May 10, 2022

Photo by Bethany Beck on Unsplash


As the world celebrates Mother's day, allow us to share with you a letter that a young Mom in her 20s wrote for her 2-year old son that resonated a powerful message  and reminder for everyone about the beauty and value of celebrating other people's accomplishment. 

The post was accompanied by a picture of her son watching other kids joyfully riding a rollercoaster inside a shopping mall. Below is the text of the message shared on facebook:



Dear Son, 

I was tempted to immediately dash to the ticket booth and get us tickets to ride this thingy, but for some reasons, I decided to stay behind you and take pictures of you while you watch in awe as kids and babies enjoy a rollercoaster ride with their parents.

I can still remember that glow on your face each time you looked at me -  smiling, squealing in delight, and just vividly happy seeing other people ride such a thingy.That day, though unknown to you, I decided to let you experience to just watch others as they enjoy their colorful ride. 

I realized, that's exactly what I want you to learn and bring with you as you grow up. I want you to learn to celebrate  other people as they experience their amazing rides, their joys, their accomplishments, their treasures. To sincerely be happy for them, while contentedly watching at the sidelines - clapping your hands and sincerely feeling proud for their moments. :')

And each time you do that, remember that you make Mommy proud.

You won' t have everything in this world Son... but if you can be sincerely happy for others who get to experience the things you want for yourself, then you have more than everything you wish to have. :')

I love you forever and ever and ever.




Such display of love reminds us about the beauty of having God as our Father in Heaven who first taught us to celebrate other people's success. In a world filled with silent envy and jealousy, even remorse for others who are accomplishing and achieving the things we only want for ourselves, it is refreshing to be reminded that if we can be sincerely happy for others who get to experience the things we want for ourselves, then we have more than everything we wish to have. 

In John 3, we can learn from John the Baptist as he responded to his followers who expressed dismay that more people are coming to Jesus for baptism after John introduced him as the real Messiah: 

John 3:29, "A bridegroom’s friend rejoices with him. I am the bridegroom’s friend, and I am filled with joy at his success” (New Living Translation).

Each time we rejoice to a friend's, neighbor's or a mere stranger's success, we will be filled with joy, even unexplainable joy that can wash away the corruptive spirit of envy.  The Scripture also said that if we are motivated to success out of envy, we will find no meaning to it - like chasing after the wind. Utterly meaningless.  

Ecclesiastes 4:4 says, “Then I observed that most people are motivated to success by their envy of their neighbors. But this, too, is meaningless, like chasing the wind” (New Living Translation).


Original post/text can be found in this link:

Dear You, Your Dreams are Still Valid
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