Feb 16, 2023

As of this writing, a widespread fire of revival is happening around campuses in America where praying and praising Jesus have been going on for almost a week already.

According to reports, the "fire" broke out at Asbury University's historic Hughes Auditorium in Wilmore, Kentucky when a couple of students gather to pray and worship Jesus last February 9, 2023 and since then it hasn't stopped!

Asbury University is known as a small evangelical college and has been historic through the years for its history of great revivals according to Asbury University's site:

(The following information were lifted verbatimly from the Asbury University website)

In February 1905, during a blizzard, a prayer meeting in the men’s dormitory spilled out to the rest of campus and the town of Wilmore.

A Fire is Breaking Out in America!

In February 1908, revival broke out while someone prayed in chapel; the revival lasted two weeks and was signified by prevailing prayer and intercession.

In February 1921 the last service of a planned revival lasted until 6 a.m., and services were extended for three days.

In February 1950 a student testimony led to confessions, victories, and more testimonies. This went on uninterrupted for 118 hours and became the second leading news story nationwide; it is estimated that 50,000 people found a new experience in Christ as a result of this revival and witness teams that went out from it.

In March 1958 revival began in a student fasting prayer meeting that spilled over into chapel and lasted for 63 hours.

On February 3, 1970 Dean Custer B. Reynolds, scheduled to speak in chapel, felt led to invite persons to give personal testimony instead. Soon there was a large group waiting in line to speak. A spirit of powerful revival came upon the congregation. The chapel was filled with rejoicing people.  Classes were cancelled for a week during the 144 hours of unbroken revival, but even after classes resumed on February 10, Hughes Auditorium was left open for prayer and testimony. These sessions were presided over by Reynolds, Clarence Hunter and other faculty. Some 2,000 witness teams went out from Wilmore to churches and at least 130 college campuses around the nation. 

A Fire is Breaking Out in America!

In March 1992 a student confession during the closing chapel of the annual Holiness Conference turned into 127 consecutive hours of prayer and praise.

In February 2006 a student chapel led to four days of continuous worship, prayer and praise.

And now again, 17 years later, the fire has broken out again in Asbury campus which have gotten so much attention with people pouring out at the Hughes Auditorium, which has a capacity of 1,489 seats and two other nearby venues—Estes Chapel and McKenna Chapel, across the street at Asbury Theological Seminary. Not only that, as of this writing, 29 other campuses have been engulfed in this fire that's sparking revival throughout the nation. Praise Jesus!

And the best part is that the Holy Spirit is leading these services with no other famouse names in the industry other than the Name of Jesus being preached and elevated. People who came in, witnessed and experience the fire in there testified that the manifest power and presence of Jesus is there that it is so, so, so hard to leave. 

Interestingly, a prophet named Bob Jones prophesied about this revival taking place again before he died in 2014. According to articles circulating only,  “Bob Jones had heard from God that the Chiefs would go to the Super Bowl and win it. He shared that when they won it would be a sign of upcoming and end time revival.”

And now, indeed, revival is taking place. Let's keep these campuses and the fire of the Spirit to continue to spread not just in America but all over the world... in our homes, churches, cities, countries...

May the fire of the Holy Spirit fill and ignite us all, in Christ Jesus... Until we see Him face to face...

 May be an image of 3 people, people standing and crowd

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